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From the founder (and a cousin) of Wikitree, Chris Whitten…..
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I was working on my lists yesterday, trying to get a few Murrays into Wikitree. I have 19 separate lists for the Murray surname, and was trying to finish up list number 16. It’s an interesting process because I’m able to find some of them on Wikitree while adding those who aren’t, but I’m constantly running into ancestors, spouses, or their children who don’t have any dates. I need at least a birth or death date to create a Wikitree profile.
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How old were you when you first got interested in genealogy? More to the point, how old were you when you began to research your own family? Like a lot of people, your first interest didn’t lead to research. Actually WORKING on your lineage came later, sometimes years later.
A recent survey on Facebook by the Early New England Family History Research site interviewed 4,534 members, arriving at these results:
Under 20 – 18%
20-29 – 16%
30-39 – 17%
40-49 – 19%
50-59 – 19%
60-69 – 9%
70-79 – 1%
80 + – <1%
Don’t Recall – 1%
Surprisingly, the split is pretty even across most age groups until you reach age 60 and above. I would guess the numbers would be different in the general population, with most falling between 40 and 60 years of age.
A writer for ( observed that conference attendees are mostly women (70%) and mostly above the age of 50. When topics of social media, like Facebook or other online sources, come up in genealogy, the user age falls quickly for those 55 and above, primarily due to privacy concerns. One interesting fact is that the first season of the US-version of Who Do You Think You Are? aired on NBC did not have any celebrities under the age of 40.
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Both younger and older genealogists have much to offer each other – the younger set should not shut out older genealogists and write them off as “dinosaurs” who refuse to learn and use technology. Likewise, the older set should not dismiss younger genealogists as less than serious because they choose to use social media to expand their genealogy research and experience.
Now, for your purposes, two questions. First, how old were you when you began researching your family? Second, how computer-literate are you? You have to decide for yourself how this all affects your research. I have opinions, but I will share them at some point in the future.

Ancestry seems to be continuing with its DNA refinements, as my newest numbers show. I now have ethnic percentages from four regions, and the countries within each region have been modified a bit, as well.

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OK, just what is an FSA Scot? Now that I am a Fellow (an FSA Scot; one of about 330 in the U.S.) I can speak generally about the Society. I was elected to membership at the Society’s Annual Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland last week.
An FSA Scot is someone who is interested in furthering Scottish history in any number of ways. As the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (SAScot) indicates on its website:
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After a 25-year career in Industrial Arts, then Industrial Education and, eventually, Applied Technology, or just plain “Shop,” it seems like I probably made the right choice. My final 12 years (for a total of 37 years) as Technology Coach, Technology Manager, Technology Coordinator, and similar titles grew out of my knowledge of applying “technology” to education.
Along the way, I never lost my love of history, and have used much of what I know as it applies to the study of Genealogy over the years. As the U.S. Genealogist for the Murray Clan Society of North America, and as a manager of several Scottish Clans on a genealogical website called Wikitree, I have pursued an active interest in Scottish history. I am also intrigued by English, Welsh and Irish history, as well as European history, so applying to become a Fellow (an FSA Scot, if you will), seemed like a natural progression.
Reaching this point in my personal growth as a Genealogist is a truly rewarding honor, and is only the first step to even more valuable contributions to Clan Murray, other genealogists, and my family.
This week is Thanksgiving, and has taken on a slightly new meaning since I’ve discovered at least seven Mayflower ancestors this year. Three are close in my direct line, the other four are a bit further away. My Mayflower ancestors are:
Stephen Hopkins – 11th Great Grandfather; Giles Hopkins – 10th Great Grand Nephew; Constance (Hopkins) Snow – 10th Great Grandmother. New connections found 14 Sept 2018 are DISTANT cousins Katherine (White) Carver, Richard More, Henry Samson, and Agnes (Cooper) Tilley
I was reading an article in Irish Central just today about the First Thanksgiving. What I learned, in fact what most of us learned in school is, most likely a tall tale. After the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, they went through a long period of disease, starvation, and hardship in which many of the original Mayflower passengers died.
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The First Thanksgiving, I’m sure, was a time to be grateful to be alive, because so many others weren’t. But it probably was not in November 1620, as we’ve learned. It was more likely in February 1621, after an Irish sailing ship brought a load of new supplies and, essentially, rescued the starving Pilgrims.
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