Not a big deal, but interesting, at least to me. Through the years of my membership on Wikitree, I have worked on a number of projects and created or edited hundreds of individual profiles. As of this writing, I have just over 23,500 contributions. Some have been nothing more than simple edits of the data, while others have been creations from scratch, including applicable dates and sources.
A new feature this year summarized my contributions since I joined, and listed the top 10 surnames I’ve worked with each year. Remembering that nearly 875,000 genealogists all over the world are also working on the profiles, I can take special pride in any entry that says #___ contibutor.
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I have been lax on updating this site, but I HAVE been doing my research, as every good genealogist should. 😉
I’ve been doing a little work on Wikitree, at least 100 contributions each month to stay in the 100 Club. Sometimes more, sometimes not, but slowly driving my total number of contributions higher. I have changed how much work I do (mostly less) for several projects I’m a member of. The formality of the site and elements of the personnel structure are beginning to get to me enough that it’s simply not as much fun as it used to be.
Wikitree has had a few changes lately that have given me some things I can put online. One is a summary of the top 10 surnames I’ve worked on the past several years. Obviously, Murray leads the field most years site-wide working for the Clan. I will post the numbers soon. The other project I’ve worked with on Wikitree is a collection of famous ancestors in various categories. They are very detailed and will take a little more time to format and post.
I’ve also been working on my personal database (up to nearly 26,000 ancestors now), primarily adding sources from, along with some from I get update hints from both sites during a typical month and had accumulated them for at least a year, if not longer.
I am now caught up on Ancestry and will soon start to work religiously on MyHeritage. I still have work to do with American Ancestors, too, especially for my Puritan Great Migration ancestors, but that’s a while off, yet.
Clan Murray was able to hold a last-minute Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Stone Mountain, Georgia, outside of Atlanta, last Fall. Remember it was supposed to be in Denver in 2020, but was canceled due to Covid concerns and moved to 2021. When it was canceled again in 2021, it was picked up by Stone Mountain. Now we are planning again for 2022 in Denver.
U.S. Atholl Highlanders perform at the Stone Mountain, Georgia Celtic Festival, 2021
Not much to show in the way of photos and such, since I “worked” the booth as I always do in Colorado. I have fun talking with people and trying to get them interested in their heritage. Don’t have much time left for socializing during the Festival then. One thing that did make me feel good, though, is hearing the vast majority of contacts to the Clan from the website were related to genealogy.
It may not sound like it, but I’ve backed away from genealogy a bit and have done more work with the gun club, recently re-upping for another year as Secretary and Newsletter Editor. I’ve done a lot of lead bullet casting, learned how to powder-coat them for better lubrication, followed by batches and batches of reloading. With what I’ve already loaded, can still load, and already have on-hand, we’re ready for almost anything!
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I will celebrate my military service on Veterans’ Day. Today is the day to celebrate those who are no longer with us, including my father and father-in-law and the dozens of ancestors we have who served since America’s earliest days.
Not appreciated as they once were, they continue to be important to our path through American history. Bless them all!
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Final word came yesterday the Edgewater Celtic Festival in August won’t be held for the second year in a row due to Covid19. The Clan Murray Annual General Meeting (AGM) was going to be held during the Festival, with Murray one of the featured clans.
If you look at the year’s schedule (last post), you will see we don’t have too many opportunities to get together in 2021. With that in mind, check back for updates, and check your email for notices from Steve Murray Wolf, Clan President. In the meantime, plan on linking into the upcoming Zoom meetings. In lieu of an in-person AGM in Colorado, we will go to Stone Mountain, Georgia, this year, so look for that, as well.
April — Tartan Day, Longmont – CANCELED May — 50th Wedding Anniversary Trip to Scotland – CANCELED – Hopefully 52nd Year! June — Pike’s Peak Celtic Festival, Colorado Springs – CANCELED July — Elizabeth Celtic Fair, Elizabeth – CANCELED August — Edgewater Celtic Festival and Clan Murray Annual Meeting, Denver/Lakewood – CANCELED September — Longs Peaks Festival, Estes Park – NOT canceled so far, fingers crossed! Also: St. Bridget’s Fair and Festival, Firestone – Unknown status
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October – AGM moved to Stone Mountain, Georgia. More later.
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My DNA update for February changed the information slightly from the last time. Overall, the numbers were consistent with the update from September last year. Most of the changes were in comments, how the numbers were calculated, the size of the group that was measured, etc.
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I smiled when I found this photo. It brought back days in the Fall of 1971 when I was stationed in South Carolina. I was a radio operator in the Signal Corps, and was also a Class Leader in Morse Code School.
In that role, I usually got “good duty,” and one of those was driving a jeep and operating a radio for SC National Guard officers when they did their signal training. We spent many a day driving all over the hills and dales of South Carolina, and even got a few wheels off the ground once in a while. As they say, a good time was had by all.
Yes, looking at the calendar, it HAS been a while since the site was updated. There are a few reasons for this.
First, of course, is Covid19. A big part of the site is our travels around the state to the Celtic Faires offered between April and September. The schedule this year:
April — Tartan Day, Longmont – CANCELED May — 50th Wedding Anniversary Trip to Scotland – CANCELED June — Pike’s Peak Celtic Festival, Colorado Springs – CANCELED July — Elizabeth Celtic Fair, Elizabeth – CANCELED August — Edgewater Celtic Festival and Clan Murray Annual Meeting, Denver/Lakewood – CANCELED September — Longs Peaks Festival, Estes Park – NOT canceled so far, fingers crossed! Also: St. Bridget’s Fair and Festival, Firestone – CANCELED
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As you might imagine, all this puts quite a crimp in our activities promoting the Clan. The Clan meeting has been rescheduled for August 2021, but now it’s a bit anti-climactic.
I have been working on Wikitree, but not to the level I was. I have also been clearing out hints and tips I’ve received from sites I’m a member of, and working with Legacy 9. Since the Murray Clan meeting in South Carolina, things have really been fairly slow. I still manage to have spare time available, so I’ve been doing more bullet reloading and shooting at the range, now that it is open again, and still do the monthly agenda, minutes and newsletter for the gun club I’m in.
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